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25th October 2005, 03:43 PM | #201 |
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I do not see whether or not I am a materialist has any bearing on the definition. I am looking for the underlying principle of ID. Is that it? If not, correct it. n.b. This thread probably has more reads than any other I have ever posted. Sad really, since I stole the link from Mojo and got Darat to stickey it. Ah well.... |
25th October 2005, 03:55 PM | #202 |
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"You got to use your brain." - McKinley Morganfield "The poor mystic homeopaths feel like petted house-cats thrown at high flood on the breaking ice." - Leon Trotsky |
25th October 2005, 03:59 PM | #203 |
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25th October 2005, 11:17 PM | #204 |
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I've read through most of the transcripts a couple of times now. I'm curious about this exchange:
FWIW, I'm agnostic and a former ID proponent. 1.) I'm confused at Rothschild's direction here. Why should ID proponents attempt to conduct experiments to prove a negative? 2.) I think the questioning is a bit unfair. Behe isn't saying that it is a waste of time only a waste of time for those who don't believe in evolution. 3.) How many generations would likely produce such a mutation. Note to self: Don't simply cut and paste from the transcripts {whew} |
Ego, ain't it a bitch? |
25th October 2005, 11:45 PM | #205 |
Evil Genius
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It appears to me (I've only seen parts of the transcripts, though) that Rothschild is attempting to demonstrate the unscientific nature of ID; namely, that they have no interest in pursuing scientific test on the validity of the theory, but instead are attempting to "logically" assert its truth.
However, he's walking a fine line. On the one hand, Behe is half-admitting that he has no real scientific evidence for ID, just "inductive reasoning". On the other hand, the whole test itself is flawed, because it is assuming ID is true unless disproving evidence is discovered. A real test should be searching for positive evidence, not negative. So, maybe good legally, even if not in the scientific community. |
You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans. - Ronald Reagan |
26th October 2005, 05:36 AM | #206 | ||
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Reposting some comments that were split, but that belong in this thread:
The word "supernatural" has no meaning except to a dualist, or a materialist."
26th October 2005, 06:01 AM | #207 |
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God explains nothing.
26th October 2005, 07:38 AM | #208 |
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To establish evidence in favor of their position, of course. There's nothing wrong with running an experiment in which the expected result is a failure-to-find, as long as the experiment itself is well-designed and well-run. This happens all the time in medicine, for example, especially in the various studies of "quack" practices.
More generally, a showing that a bacterial flagellum did not evolve in X generations in a pool of Y bacteria also gives microbiologists some hard numbers about the upper bound of the probability of evolution. Again, this is useful and scientifically valid, especially considering the number of times argument-from-probability is thrown around in the ID community.
I'm sorry, Dr. Behe, but it's your (rule 8) theory, a theory that flies in the face of accepted science, and it's not worth your time to support your theory? Of course, as Rothschild pointed out elsewhere in his cross-examination, the difference between 10,000 generations of 10^12 bacteria and the postulated trillions of generations of 10^40 or so bacteria that nature is presumed to have at her disposal suggests that the power of Behe's proposed test is, in fact, close to zero -- the expected failure-to-find wouldn't mean much. So in that case, it would be a waste of time to run this particular experiment because it's not as well-designed as Behe would believe.
26th October 2005, 08:57 AM | #209 |
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Even if someone did run a giant experiment to produce a flagellum, that would be considered as proof, by the ID proponents, that it took intelligence to create it. In this case, it would be the scientist.
26th October 2005, 09:02 AM | #210 |
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CurtC is correct. A primary objection to Schneider's Ev program, which evolves binding sites on a chromosome, is that the model is embodied in a computer program that a human being wrote.
http://www.lecb.ncifcrf.gov/~toms/papers/ev/evj/ ~~ Paul |
Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. ---Susan Ertz RIP Mr. Skinny, Tim |
26th October 2005, 09:33 AM | #211 |
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“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago |
26th October 2005, 09:47 AM | #212 |
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More commentary by Mike Argento from yesterday, about witness Steve William Fuller.
I love this quote:
26th October 2005, 09:58 AM | #213 |
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Which is an utterly ridiculous claim. Either the scientist cheated, and fudged the program so that the "right" mutation would show up at the proper time and be propagated - or evolution is inherent to populations in which the traits of members are statistically associated with their remaining in the population, which is one way to state the basics of evolutionary theory.
If there was cheating involved, it should be relatively easy to check. Examine the code, and if no fudging is found, run it several times. Allowing for the uncertainties of stochastic results, the results of the earlier experiments should be repeatable. If they're repeatable, and no cheats are found... well, it's a demonstration of evolution though natural selection. (I thought there were already dozens of examples of A-life spontaneously evolving. Am I mistaken in that belief?) |
26th October 2005, 10:14 AM | #214 |
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Actually, Dembski looked at the code for Ev and claimed he had found the trapdoor that let information in. Schneider modified the program to allow three options for the particular feature that Dembski objected to:
http://www.lecb.ncifcrf.gov/~toms/paper/ev/dembski/claimtest.html There are plenty of examples of A-life evolving. I think Ev rankles the IDers because it is a model of actual life, and also because Schneider is fairly good at advertising it. ~~ Paul |
Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. ---Susan Ertz RIP Mr. Skinny, Tim |
26th October 2005, 11:18 AM | #215 |
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The problem with Behe's test is that it's simply shifting the burden of proof. It's little more than "I say it's true, prove me wrong". The fact is that ID has no experimental evidence to support the notion of irreducible complexity and, despite Behe's claims of it being quantifiable, whether a system is irreducibly complex comes down to a "god of the gaps" argument: "I don't see how it could have evolved, therefore it must be the result of intelligence". Rothschild's venture into this area is simply showing the court that they have not actually done any real research. They just aren't interested.
Being offended by someone questioning your beliefs is a sign that you should be questioning them. In the beginning there was nothing. And the Lord said "Let There Be Light!" And still there was nothing, but at least now you could see it. |
26th October 2005, 12:56 PM | #216 |
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Well, to be fair, the "burden of proof" is irrelevant here.
From a legal standpoint -- it's a civil trial, so the relevant term is "preponderance of the evidence." From a scientific and epistemological standpoint -- nothing can be proven empirically. But we can show a hell of a lot of evidence for one side or another. And I think that's what Rothschild is getting at. There are all these evolutionists out there, amassing this huge collection of evidence, including at least fifty peer-reviewed articles that he was waving in court (to which Behe's response, and I quote, was "not good enough.") On the other side, there's little or nothing. Behe is asking to be disproven. But he doesn't have to be disproven. He just has to be shown to be less credible. Offhand, I'd say that fifty peer-reviewed articles, eight or so research monographs, a half-dozen well-regarded textbooks to zero is a pretty good definition of "less credible," at least as measured by "thud" factor. And the experiment he proposes could be run by anyone -- evolutionists have no reason to run it, but the creationists who would want to run it haven't. More damningly, they don't even see interested in running it (what was Behe's term? "A waste of time"), because they're not interest in getting evidence. And this is true both for scientists and legal scholars. The whole point of this discussion is to weigh all the evidence that anyone can bring to the table, whether creationist/IDer, evolutionist, IPU devotee, Pastafarian, or Cthulhu worshipper (aka a snack). The problem is that the evolutionists brought an entire catering staff who they have been working with for years, while creationists are rummaging in their pockets for a spare throat sweet. (And the Pastafarians point out that they have throat sweets, too, so there's nothing special there.) |
26th October 2005, 01:26 PM | #217 |
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From a scientific standpoint, Behe is shifting the burden of proof* by requiring others to disprove his claim (and providing no evidence to support it). From a legal standpoint, the fact that he is shifting the burden of proof is evidence that what he's doing is not science. Not that there's anything wrong with your statement, I just wanted to clarify mine.
*"Proof" is used loosely here and only because it is a form of logical fallacy. |
Being offended by someone questioning your beliefs is a sign that you should be questioning them. In the beginning there was nothing. And the Lord said "Let There Be Light!" And still there was nothing, but at least now you could see it. |
26th October 2005, 01:30 PM | #218 |
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Because that's how science works; based on empirical observation, you come up with a falsifiable hypothesis and subject it to testing. One way to test your hypothesis is to see whether what you predict should not happen does, in fact, not happen. That's not trying to prove a negative, it's trying to prove the absence of a negative. This is important, because a huge chunk of science is eliminating that which is demonstrably false.
Behe cum suis claim that a bacterial flagellum is irreducibly complex and cannot be developed by a process of evolution. The obvious way to make sure that this hypothesis is not incorrect is to go into the lab and try to get a strain of bacteria to grow a flagellum. If the strain fails to do so, that doesn't necessarily prove your hypothesis is correct, but at least it shows that it's not incorrect. What Rothschild managed to do is illustrate the Behe et al. and aren't actually interested in trying to find out whether their hypothesis stands up to falsification; in other words, they are not practicing science. QED. |
"Sergeant Colon had had a broad education. He’d been to the School of My Dad Always Said, the College of It Stands to Reason, and was now a post-graduate student at the University of What Some Bloke In the Pub Told Me." - Terry Pratchett, Jingo by birth, by choice |
26th October 2005, 01:31 PM | #219 |
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Seems to me the test is inherently inconclusive. Suppose a flagellum did appear. What is to stop an IDer from saying, "See god did it AGAIN!"
26th October 2005, 02:20 PM | #220 |
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Stop Sylvia Browne Warning: Beware of contaminated water supplies! Suspected source of contamination: Sarah-I A non-Rockstar Rambler and dissector of Doggerel |
26th October 2005, 03:37 PM | #221 |
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26th October 2005, 04:51 PM | #222 |
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Originally Posted by Sez
~~ Paul |
Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. ---Susan Ertz RIP Mr. Skinny, Tim |
26th October 2005, 04:58 PM | #223 |
Mormon Atheist
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I don't see how you can prove the absence of a negative. Could you give me some examples of scientists proving that something wont happen? I'm kind of confused, if science doesn't hold something to be true then how much resources should be expended to prove that that something isn't true? How many experiments should the ID folks conduct? At what point do you conclude that they are interested in science?
Ego, ain't it a bitch? |
26th October 2005, 05:04 PM | #224 |
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But that is not his position as I understand it. The position is that if evolution were true science has a simple way to demonstrate it but they haven't. (I don't buy the expriment for the reasons you state)
Ego, ain't it a bitch? |
26th October 2005, 05:05 PM | #225 |
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Originally Posted by RandFan
Evolution is primarily an historical science, at least now. If IDers want to use that as "evidence" against it, fine. Heck, ID is an historical pseudoscience, too. ~~ Paul |
Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. ---Susan Ertz RIP Mr. Skinny, Tim |
26th October 2005, 05:09 PM | #226 |
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I just want to remind everyone that Behe, Dembski et al haven't even provided a logical/probabilistic proof that the flagellum is irreducible. There is nothing that has been shown to be irreducible. Why should science run around trying to demonstrate that irreducible complexity can be overcome? They might as well worry about showing that New Jersey mud slime can be overcome.
Anyway, Schneider has demonstrated the evolution of an irreducibly complex structure. It's been done. ~~ Paul |
Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. ---Susan Ertz RIP Mr. Skinny, Tim |
26th October 2005, 05:52 PM | #227 |
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26th October 2005, 06:18 PM | #228 |
Mormon Atheist
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Which is my point. It isn't going to work. You know that. I know that and Behe believes that but for very different reasons, ok, so what is the point? It won't work so they carry out these experiments that verify results that you, I and Behe all agree will happen, then what?
Sure it will prove that they are trying to falsify their theory but it won't satisfy them, you or I for anything. I think the argument is a dead end. That's just my opinion. |
Ego, ain't it a bitch? |
26th October 2005, 06:21 PM | #229 |
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Originally Posted by Hammegk
~~ Paul |
Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. ---Susan Ertz RIP Mr. Skinny, Tim |
26th October 2005, 06:48 PM | #230 |
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My take is that Behe's proposed experiment is a smoke screen. He can hold it up for the general public and proclaim that the non-ID science establishment failed to even attempt to falsify IC, that there is a conspiracy to keep ID down, that he is the victim of the status quo.
Sells a lot of books (I think I saw in the trial transcripts that he has sold more than 400,000 copies of his book already). ID been very very good for Behe. |
"When you believe in things you don't understand, then you suffer . . . " - Stevie Wonder. "It looks like the saddest, most crookedest candy corn in an otherwise normal bag of candy corns." Stormy Daniels I hate bigots. |
26th October 2005, 07:08 PM | #231 |
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26th October 2005, 10:13 PM | #232 |
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"Where there´s a will, there´s a lawyer" - Kinky Friedman "We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture" - Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA “We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further” - Richard Dawkins "Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes." "Scientist" is a profession. Science is a method. "Scientism" is neither a political ideology, nor a religion. |
26th October 2005, 10:35 PM | #233 |
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Look, it works like this. Behe maintains that his "theory" is testable and falsifiable. He says that what would test it would be if you managed to evolve a flagellum in two years by providing immobile bacteria with a selective pressure for motion.
So the question is, if he believes that this would test his "theory", why doesn't he do so? The answer is that of course it would not test his "theory". He ducks out of this by asking why other people don't test his "theory" by doing this experiment. The answer is that of course it would not test his "theory", and that no-one else is going around pretending that it would. To summarize his argument: "My theory that pigs have wings would be falsified if someone could spend two years standing on one leg and whistling the Star-Spangled Banner. So if I'm wrong, why don't my opponents prove me wrong by devoting two years to unipedal whistling?" |
26th October 2005, 11:06 PM | #234 |
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I don't recommend basing your arguments on computing theory or evolutionary computation, Hammy. It's pretty clear you don't know what you're talking about.
a) Self coding Turing machines are a reality. Any type of finite state machine has configurations that produce a representation of the state machine itself (or other state machines, for that matter.) b) Self coding Turing machines have nothing to do with this subject. The algorithm evolves solutions based on the problem (enviornment, landscape, etc.) it faces, just like life. If it was necessary to start with a solution before designing an evolutionary computation algorithm, obviously nobody would use them. c) Evolutionary computation algorithms exist that design Turing machines. There is a whole field called "Genetic Programming" dedicated to the subject. |
26th October 2005, 11:32 PM | #235 |
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I can't wait to see the transcripts of this one. |
27th October 2005, 12:47 AM | #236 |
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And here we come to one of the recommendations that are repeatedly made to potential challenge applicants: before you apply (or in this case before you announce your "theory") make sure that you have done proper tests yourself; this may prevent you looking rather silly in the long run.
As another example, no decent lawyer would dream of going into court relying on a particular case without making sure that the case hadn't been overruled. |
"You got to use your brain." - McKinley Morganfield "The poor mystic homeopaths feel like petted house-cats thrown at high flood on the breaking ice." - Leon Trotsky |
27th October 2005, 12:53 AM | #237 |
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27th October 2005, 02:11 AM | #238 |
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27th October 2005, 03:07 AM | #239 |
Penultimate Amazing
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The goal of The Discovery Institute is to replace science with religion:
27th October 2005, 03:09 AM | #240 |
Penultimate Amazing
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I don't know if this has been posted:
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